The crowdies show promo material

The Crowdies Show – Venue Promo Material


Promo blurb / press release – pdf format download 198kb
Hi res pics for PRINT/web – CLICK HERE
Band Poster – pdf format download 306kb

Plasma Screen promo graphics – gif format download 168kb
Band Logo – pdf format 378kb
jpg format download 187kb

Technical rider & stage plot – pdf format download 125kb

Getting more people to the show

We do a facebook ad spend on an event post and supply posters & graphics as above.
We can also supply a pull up banner if we have some available for your date between our other shows.

*Given enough notice we can often get a local press story for the show date that specifically mentions the venue.* 

We suggest all the usual in house things Hotels and Clubs do, posters, table talkers, screen graphics, pull up banners.
Website banners, articles and blogs and email marketing to your database.
If your venue has a mail out and email quarterly brochure this is also a great way to let thousands of members know what shows you have on.  

No.1 tip – don’t leave it too late to let people know the show is on.

We start our paid facebook ad usually 4 weeks prior to the show date.
We suggest venues use a similar time frame for in house posters and graphics. 
You’re spending good money on a great band, lets promote it early so it all works well and its worth a rebooking! 


Show formats that work well

Load in and set up & soundcheck

From approximately 2-4 hours prior to doors open time.
Soundcheck is finished just prior to doors open time.

Auditorium or Lounge Show

Our first set is the best of Crowded House (45-60 mins) then we take a break for a costume change and return for the second set, the best of Split Enz (45-60 mins) + encore.

Often for corporate functions we’ll do 1 full 60min set.

Intimate Dinner Show

We suggest all meal orders ( entire, main , dessert) are taken early.
Entrees & mains service finished and cleared before showtime.
We suggest table service for drinks during the show for higher bar sales for the venue.
Dessert served during our break. No or limited table clearing during the show please.

Social Media Marketing 


We always do facebook event posts for each and every show and add the venue as a co-host.
Depending on the budget we usually spend US$50-$100 on facebook ad promotion to help draw numbers.




We have performed awesome shows for these brands

Australia’s Most Booked Crowded House & Split Enz Tribute


Delighted function clients

From Allianz Insurance & Mt Isa Council to
The Alice Springs Masters Games.


Brilliant Shows

Across New South Wales, Queensland
South Australia and New Zealand.


Awesome Venues

From Outdoor Festivals, Dinner Shows to
NZ Vineyards & local Hotels & Clubs.

About The Crowdies Show

Being comprised of quality players , we have entertained thousands of happy people at over 104 shows, locally, interstate and internationally.